
DSiS in March 2024Ralf Reussner

Research, teaching, and innovation at the Dependability of Software-intensive Systems (DSiS) group is inspired by the fact that in many areas of our daily lives, software has become one the main drivers of innovation. This means that dependability (including safety, security, reliability, availability, and performance) of systems strongly depends on the quality of the software. Our research on dependability of software-intensive systems has the vision of software engineering principles and methods integrated into systems engineering to systematically model and analyse software-intensive systems. This results in two major research lines: On the one hand, we work on a scientific foundation of software design in an engineering sense: We should be able to predict the consequences on design decisions prior to realization. Therefore, we work on software architecture quality analysis, which includes architecture-based simulators for performance and reliability and architecture-based analyses of confidentiality, vulnerability but also maintainability. On the other hand, we research on the extension of software-engineering-based approaches to handle complexity, and to make them applicable to non-software domains, such as meta-modelling, model- and view-based development, and view, version and variant consistency management. Both research lines are specialized for automotive and mobility applications as well as for the Industry 4.0 domain.

The DSiS group is part of Software Design and Quality.


Timur SağlamKai Marquardt
Timur Sağlam Keynote Speaker at MODELS 2024 EduSym

24 September 2024

Timur Sağlam gave a keynote at the MODELS 2024 Educators Symposium on the topic Detecting Modelling Plagiarism: Navigating Automated Obfuscation and Generative AI. The international symposium took place at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, and was attended by educators, researchers and practitioners from the modelling community. An active discussion after the keynote gave these participants the possibility to exchange insights on the topic of plagiarism detection and teaching model-driven engineering.

Keynote abstract and slides
Three Papers by SDQ at ICSE 2024

21 December 2023

Three papers by SDQ members have been accepted at next year's ICSE conference:

Timur Sağlam, Moritz Brödel, Larissa Schmid, Sebastian Hahner: Detecting Automatic Software Plagiarism via Token Sequence Normalization (Research Track) URL

Jan Keim, Sophie Corallo, Dominik Fuchß, Tobias Hey, Tobias Telge, Anne Koziolek: Recovering Trace Links Between Software Documentation And Code (Research Track) Pre-Print

Timur Sağlam, Larissa Schmid, Sebastian Hahner, Erik Burger: Automated Detection of AI-Obfuscated Plagiarism in Modeling Assignments (Software Engineering Education and Training Track) URL

ICSE 2024 website
SSP 2023

6 November 2023

The Symposium on Software Performance (SSP) brings together researchers and practitioners interested in software performance, where "performance" is understood both in a classical sense as "the amount of useful work accomplished by a software system compared to the time and resources used", as well as in a broader sense as "the manner in which or the efficiency with which a software system reacts or fulfills its intended purpose". The scope of SSP spans measurement, modeling, benchmark design, and run-time management. The focus is both on classical performance metrics such as response time, throughput, and resource utilization, as well as on the relationship of such metrics to other software quality attributes including but not limited to scalability, elasticity, (energy) efficiency, dependability (in terms of availability and reliability), resilience, security, and privacy. Topics of interest include the design of metrics, benchmarks, and tools for quantitative system evaluation and analysis, as well as the development of methodologies, techniques and tools for modeling, measurement, load testing, monitoring, profiling, workload characterization, and run-time management of software systems with respect to the mentioned quality attributes.

This year we celebrate 20 years of Palladio. We will look back at the beginnings of Palladio, reflect the current developments and plan the future of Palladio.

SSP 2023 is supported by the GI special interest group "Softwaretechnik".

SSP 2023 homepage
Best Paper Award Timur Sağlam
Best Paper Award for Jan Wittler, Timur Sağlam and Thomas Kühn at ECMFA 2023

20 July 2023

Timur Sağlam and former DSiS members Jan Wittler and Thomas Kühn have received the Best Paper award at the 19th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA) for their paper “Evaluating Model Differencing for the Consistency Preservation of State-Based Views“.

In their work, the researchers have developed a correctness notion for changes to models in the context of model-view consistency. This is an important contribution for  consistency in the development of Cyber-Physical Systems, a topic which is in the focus of research at DSiS.

Paper at Journal of Object Technology (JOT)
VKSI Award for Kai Marquardt

21 June 2023

The award has been given to a member of the Institute of Information Security and Dependability (KASTEL). The association of software engineers in Karlsruhe (Verein der Karlsruher Software-Ingenieure e.V./VKSI) awards students for excellent bachelor’s and master’s theses every year. This year, Kai Marquardt (from the group Modelling for Continuous Software Engineering, Prof. Anne Koziolek) receives the VKSI award for an excellent master thesis https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/1000143548  on youth development and teaching in informatics. In his thesis, he introduces an innovative approach to introduce and motivate topics of informatics through interdisciplinary online courses with the goal to engage young students, especially young women, in the subject. Results of the master thesis have been presented at the prestigious ICSE conference paper https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/1000155705.




CRC 1608 »Convide« granted

23 May 2023

Modern cyber-physical systems (CPS), such as cars or production plants, are full of electronic and mechanical components that are controlled by software. The system as a whole can only function if all these parts interact perfectly. Designing such systems poses the challenge of keeping the system architecture consistent att all times. New methods will be developped in a Collaborative Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich) Consistency in the View-Based Development of Cyber-Physical Systems (Convide) at KIT, with a budget of 11 million € over four years.

Prof. Ralf Reussner is the speaker of this CRC, with members coming from the faculties of Informatics, Electrical Engineering as well as Mechanical Engineering. Furthermore, TU Munich, TU Dresden, and the University of Mannheim will participate in the CRC.

Homepage of CRC 1608