Bachelor’s/Master’s Theses at DSiS

Open theses topics at DSiS are also listed in the SDQ wiki (in German). There, also general information about the process of writing a theses at DSiS is available.

Not all possible theses topics are listed there. If you are interested in writing a theses at DSiS that is related to our research topics, please contact one of our staff members or the head members of our research groups. We can usually find a topic that fits the student’s as well as our research interests.

Bachelor’s Theses

Topic Supervisors
Modelling and Analyzing Distributed Ledger Technology Protocols for Decentralized Software Applications Robert Heinrich, Niclas Kannengießer
Zeitbehaftete Informationsflussanalyse zur genauen Erkennung von verdeckten Zeitkanälen Christopher Gerking
Extraktion eines Testkorpus von zeitbehafteten Vertraulichkeitsschwachstellen aus Java-Programmen Christopher Gerking

Master’s Theses

Topic Supervisors
Semantiken von Modelländerungen Thomas Weber
Designing a Model Transformation Language for Projective Views Lars König
Design-time optimization of runtime adaptation strategies using evolutionary algorithms Martina Rapp
Design-time optimization of runtime adaptation strategies using Reinforcement learning-based methods Martina Rapp
Maschinelles Lernen von Modelltransformationen aus Transformationsdefinitionen Christopher Gerking
Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse imperativer Modelltransformationssprachen Christopher Gerking
Classification of composition operators for model-based analysis Robert Heinrich, Bahareh Taghavi
Properties and Granularities of Transactions in the Development of Cyber-Physical Systems Thomas Weber
Modelling and Analyzing Distributed Ledger Technology Protocols for Decentralized Software Applications Robert Heinrich, Niclas Kannengießer
Zeitbehaftete Informationsflussanalyse zur genauen Erkennung von verdeckten Zeitkanälen Christopher Gerking
Extraktion eines Testkorpus von zeitbehafteten Vertraulichkeitsschwachstellen aus Java-Programmen Christopher Gerking