Software-Defined Car
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Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
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The research group Dependability of Software-intensive Systems is involved in the joint project Software-Defined Car through a total of four research topics. First, we address the anonymization of vehicle data at the level of software architecture. In this context, we provide techniques to analyze whether concrete anonymization procedures provide sufficient data protection. Second, we are researching the conception of an operationalized conceptual model for the joint handling of software variants and versions. Based on the Vitruvius approach, we develop a methodology for maintaining consistency of variants and versions consisting of heterogeneous artifacts. Third, we investigate typical modeling and programming languages with respect to common and different language features. On this basis, we develop a methodology for adapting and combining languages by configuring and composing language components. Fourth, we address the derivation of delta-based changes from views in software development. To this end, we provide a methodology for bidirectional consistency preservation of heterogeneous views.